Category : .Net | Author : Chtiwi Malek | First posted : 11/30/2018 | Updated : 11/5/2020
Tags : slack, webhook, .net, dotnet, library
Push Rich Messages (.NET) to Slack Incoming webhook API

Push Rich Messages (.NET) to Slack Incoming webhook API

SlackWebHooks.Net is a fast, simple and lightweight (no dependencies) library to push rich messages and attachments to Slack's Incoming webhook API from .Net and .Net Core
Sending a simple text message to a slack channel :
// Replace the url with your own Slack Webhook URL
var client = new SlackClient("");

// Sending to a slack channel(s) Synchronously
bool result = client.SendMessage("Hello world " +;

// Sending to a slack channel(s) Asynchronously
var result2 = client.SendMessageAsync("Hello world Async " + Emoji.Places.airplane);
Sending a Message wirh attachments :
var client = new SlackClient("");

var msg = new Message {
    text = "Invoices recorded *today*",
    mrkdwn = true,
    username = "MyShop"

msg.attachments.Add(new MessageAttachment {
    pretext = "N° *B2018-3212*",
    pretext_mrkdwn = true,
    title = "Recorded at 14:11:02",
    text = "more details here ...",
    text_mrkdwn = false,
    color = "#11aa11"

// Eventually adding other MessageAttachments ...

  • Install this package from NuGet SlackWebHooks.Net
  • More informations on how to generate your Slack Webhook URL here
About the author :
Malek Chtiwi is the man behind
34 years old full stack developer.
Loves technology; but also likes design, photography and composing music.
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