Category : Others + | Author : Chtiwi Malek | First posted : 3/5/2012 | Updated : 10/21/2013
Tags : windows, rdp, terminal server, tutorial
Changing the default RDP (Terminal Server) listening port 3389

Changing the default RDP (Terminal Server) listening port 3389

In this tutorial i will explain how to change the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) port number using the registry editor (regedit).

I tested this procedure on :

- Windows Server 2003
- Windows XP
- Windows Vista
- Windows 7
- Windows 8
- Windows Server 2008
- Windows Server 2012

By default the Remote Desktop Protocol and Terminal Server listens on TCP port 3389, to change that port number for all new connections :

1 - Start -> Run... type 'regedit.exe' then press OK
2 - Browse to this key : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SYSTEM > CurrentControlSet > Control > Terminal Server > WinStations > RDP-Tcp
3 - Find the 'PortNumber' subkey, clic modify, choose decimal and change it's value and finally save.

Note : The default value is "00000D3D" HEX for the decimal value "3389".

4 - Make sure that the new configured port in open on the firewall.
5 - Restart the computer.

That's all, now you'll need to configure your TS client to connect to the new port.

Remember that it is important to change that port number to be protected against piracy and robots that try to get in by sending different passwords 'with the root and administrator usernames' on that 'default' port 3389.
About the author :
Malek Chtiwi is the man behind
34 years old full stack developer.
Loves technology; but also likes design, photography and composing music.
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